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The Stereotactic Radiosurgery Institute was founded by Tomasz K. Helenowski, M.D. to provide optimized care to patients who are candidates for radiosurgery. With extensive experience in radiosurgery for many conditions using multiple techniques, it became obvious that optimizing patient treatment required the use of multiple technologies. Various machines, such as the Rotating Gamma System, Gamma Knife, BrainLab, XKnife, Peacock System, and other techniques have their particular strengths and weaknesses. A "one-size-fits-all" approach to radiosurgery is not able to provide the best treatment for all patients. Since these machines are very expensive and no hospital has every available radiosurgical device, the Stereotactic Radiosurgery Institute was formed to allow a strategic alliance between the radiosurgery sites. This cooperation promotes patient treatment by optimizing the technology for their particular condition. Providing access to the finest technology is just one aspect of patient treatment. The experience Dr. Helenowski has had in performing over 2700 radiosurgery cases using a wide range of techniques cannot be matched by any other neurosurgeon in the state of Illinois, and likely on a larger scale. This extensive experience was recognized by the State of Illinois by making Dr. Helenowski the first neurosurgeon in Illinois authorized to use the Gamma System. |
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